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From the Weekend Retreat...
"The Making Peace weekend was very timely and helpful to me. It caused me to see that I was not alone in having struggles with life, and helped me to better see how my past has contributed to those struggles I have had with anxiety. I can now see God's hand in all of this! Though I'm getting better dealing with my anxieties, I still have my moments where I fall back into my old worry habits. The 'tools" I have learned from you during the weekend and in the Making Peace study book and group have been invaluable, and are making a real difference in my life."
"I can't begin to express my gratitude for the wonderful opportunity you gave me in participating in Making Peace. This truly was an awesome weekend and the beginning of some long overdue healing. Since going through the weekend I can feel God's arms around me like I never have before, bringing me peace and comfort."
"I had an incredible experience this weekend. We are lucky people, myself and others. God gave you an amazing gift and sent you to us when we need you most. I am still a bit shaky. How come this stuff is not taught in schools instead of some stupid "home-making" course? Why isn't it a pre-requisite for getting a marriage license? It would save so many people and so many families from so many mistakes, and probably would save so many children literally. I wish I met you about 30 years ago, I would've been a better father to my son."
From the Podcast...
"I'm a 46 year old mom of 3 who lost her dad in January and my brilliant nurse anesthetist mom is 74 with rapidly advancing Alzheimer's. I have felt so lost and just hearing your southern voice and wisdom has brought me immense peace. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I'm listening to her give me the advice I need so desperately. My youngest child is 12 and I just thought I would have more time iwth her."
"I look forward to each and every podcast! So insightful and a wonderful way to approach mental health and accepting Christ as our redeemer."
"Jamie has equal portions of wisdom and minute you're laughing, and the next you're thinking, "Wait a minute...that applies to me!" So insightful!"
"Jamie has the ability to speak to and relate to everyone no matter who they are or what they've been through. She is the least judgmental person I have ever met. Not to mention she is hilarious. This podcast is so informative and helpful. I love how open and honest she is about her own addictions and struggles when he came home from his deployment overseas. She loves seeing people victorious and healthy. I feel her love and the love of God through these episodes.
"This podcast is AMAZING and extremely relevant! Jamie's super knowledgeable and hilarious! Everyone should be listening."
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